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Bleeding refers to something showing through the finish coat. Typically some kind of stain, such as water stains, oil stains, or wood tannin. A special primer is used to seal the surface first in order to prevent these stains from showing through the finish.
Caulk is a flexible material used to fill and seal gaps before painting. For example, before painting the trim work, we fill all of the gaps with caulking for a seamless look.
Corner bead
This is typically a piece of metal shaped to form a sturdy outside corner where two
pieces of drywall meet. It can also be made of different materials, however metal is still the most common.
Crack / Stress Crack
A crack that typically forms over weaker areas in a home such as above and below windows and doors. This is due to the natural movement or settlement of your home.
Cutting in
Cutting in refers to the border between two joining surfaces, or around objects. For example, where a wall meets the ceiling, or around a door or window. It is the crisp line you see where two different colors meet.
Nail pops
All of the drywall in your home is fastened with nails or screws. Due to the natural movement of a home, these can come loose over time, which results in a bump or indent in the walls where they have loosened.
A type of filler that is used to fill nail holes prior to painting. For example, when a new piece of trim is installed, we use putty to fill the nail holes.
Scuff / Sand
Scuffing would be considered a lighter sand with a finer grit sandpaper just enough to smooth the surface and dull the area making it easier for paint to adhere to. Usually required in between coats of paint for a smooth finish or to prepare a new surface to readily accept another coat.
Tape Seam
Wherever two pieces of drywall meet each other, they are covered with drywall tape to strengthen the seam. Sometimes these fail over time for different reasons and you will see bubbles in the tape or a crack where the tape is coming loose.